A good starting point for self examination is to review your own investment or trading record over the past few years. Even if you have made a profit, careful examination may reveal that the record owes a considerable debt to one particular investment whose success was due as much to chance as to any other positive factor.
Even successful point for self-examination is to review your own investing, then
Please be advised that this is not recommendation to BUY or SELL. Manage your OWN risk.
"A man must think for himself; must follow his own convictions. Self trust is the foundation of successful effort" - Dickson G Watts
SEPTEMBER 14, 2015
D. STOCK 05 - First Philippine Holdings (FPH)
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E. STOCK 06 - Federal land Inc. (FLI)
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Note on Strategy :
09142015: ALI stock on the second day rally with a surge of 4.81%, I made a sell O-H order and it sold my 5000 shares with a profit of 3.80%. With this, despite of the downside last week it recovers with a profit. Sometimes a downtrend is just a part until you will wait for the reversal and stick to your strategy. Again and again EDC surge for this day and I learned a lesson of selling my EDC last Friday because of fear and not sticking to my trade.
09152015: FLI stocks already sold but too early I made a sell -out @ 1.74 1.75 1.76 and 1.78 and it close at 1.79 but still a profit because I bought it with an average of 1.70. Still a bad strategy. Emotions must be controlled, since FED issue I had sold the stock and not sticking on my strategy. ALI already sold-out at price 35.95 with a decent profit. Lesson learned - Stick on your strategy and Don't be affected by news.
09152015: FLI stocks goes down by 1.75 again then wait for reversal then make BUY back. Fear of the FED hike makes me again connected of my emotions that's why I easily give up my strategy to purchase. Fear on buying ION makes me feel bad of not entering and this stock surge almost 50%. Including SBS, DD, EDC, I see all the signal going up but I refuse to take action on it because of external news. As of this moment I have some stocks doing fine and taking some small profits.
09142015: ALI stock on the second day rally with a surge of 4.81%, I made a sell O-H order and it sold my 5000 shares with a profit of 3.80%. With this, despite of the downside last week it recovers with a profit. Sometimes a downtrend is just a part until you will wait for the reversal and stick to your strategy. Again and again EDC surge for this day and I learned a lesson of selling my EDC last Friday because of fear and not sticking to my trade.
09152015: FLI stocks already sold but too early I made a sell -out @ 1.74 1.75 1.76 and 1.78 and it close at 1.79 but still a profit because I bought it with an average of 1.70. Still a bad strategy. Emotions must be controlled, since FED issue I had sold the stock and not sticking on my strategy. ALI already sold-out at price 35.95 with a decent profit. Lesson learned - Stick on your strategy and Don't be affected by news.
09152015: FLI stocks goes down by 1.75 again then wait for reversal then make BUY back. Fear of the FED hike makes me again connected of my emotions that's why I easily give up my strategy to purchase. Fear on buying ION makes me feel bad of not entering and this stock surge almost 50%. Including SBS, DD, EDC, I see all the signal going up but I refuse to take action on it because of external news. As of this moment I have some stocks doing fine and taking some small profits.